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Nightlife Expert

A night out on the town needs some expert fashion advice...let our Nightlife Expert help!


Good evenin' all! My name's Beth and I am your Nightlife expert for I'll be answering any and all of your questions from clothes to hotspots to go at night for an unbelievable time!

Since winter is a time to bundle up, you're wondering if there are any clothes that you can hit those night clubs in that won't make you freeze. Being from Ohio I know exactly how it is to have the 4 seasons. But that winter chill shouldn't damper your fun. I've come to find there are so many new looks for this season. There are shirts that have one sleeve and cut diagonally down the front, rhinestone bootleg cut pants, and chunky boots look awesome together. You can also wear tank tops you love to wear in the summer and dress it up with one of those long sweater/robes that are about down to your knees. They come in different colors and lengths. I've also found that there's been more risky girls going out there and shakin' their thing in little skirts with knee high boots and cute sparkling shirts that look great together.

Whether you're ready to be trendy, sophistocated, or just plain daring I have advice for you all. Please feel free to ask me anything, I'd love to hear how things are going out there with all of you girls. And after the advice, I'd love to hear some feedback on how your nights went! Good luck and great fashion to you all!

Check these other great articles from our Nightlife Expert:

Hello Fashion Seekers!4/24/01
Look Out For Summer!4/12/01
Need Some New Clothes?2/28/01
The Month of Love!2/14/01
The Nightlife!1/29/01

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