

Here at DailyFashion.com we are dedicated to creating a fashion community that offers a diverse environment for real girls (and not just some super models) to decide what is cool and what is not.
We provide a place for real girls to talk about regular problems with fashion, such as what to wear to homecoming, prom, or even just a typical day at school. Now girls can give and receive realistic fashion inspiration, information, and tips that really help. Our fashion experts provide a wide range of styles and advice, and our readers are encouraged to submit their own unique take on daily fashion. Our goal is to make fashion fun, realistic, and, well... daily.
We hope that you'll enjoy having a part in creating fashion history! No longer will the latest fashion trends be determined by some hot-shot Paris designer. With DailyFashion.com, YOU have that power!
DailyFashion.com is 100% FREE! We rely on advertising to support ourselves. We love to get email and it's always great when people link to us. If you're going to submit something to us, you should probably go read the rules.
These are some of the fine folks that work very hard to bring DailyFashion to you... thanks guys!
Sarah James
Sarah does pretty much all the daily management of DailyFashion.com right now... and manages to be darn good at it. She's in charge of our Resident Experts, editing all the great tips you guys send in, and basically keeping everything running smoothly. Currently, Sarah is attending Southern Methodist University and majoring in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs with a minor in Sociology.
Tiffany Salais
Tiffany was the original overseer of DailyFashion.com's direction... and much of her influence remains today. Instrumental in getting this thing off the ground, she has since moved on to even bigger and better things. Luckily, we still get to consult her diva-ness on fashion matters outside of our experience. Tiffany graduated magna cum laude from Southern Methodist University with a degree in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs and a minor in Psychology.
Sean Dougall
Creator of the original design and look of this site, Sean was vital in developing layouts, content, and a certain je ne sais quoi around the office. Currently pursuing his art career on several different fronts, he is a Studio Art and Creative Advertising double major at Southern Methodist University.
Jennifer Widstrom
Jennifer is the bedrock upon all else is built. Her early design work created something out of nothing... for which we are humbly grateful. We still get her to work on DailyFasion.com when her other duties aren't taking up all of her time. Thank goodness.
Resident Experts
These super-fashion-savvy girls really help give this whole site an aura of legitimacy that we so desperately crave. Their up-to-date opinions and creations are a cornerstone to what we're trying to do here. Make no mistakes... these are REAL girls, with REAL fashion sense. We're lucky to have them.
Kimberly B. -Accessories Expert
Madelin F. -World Expert (Australia)
Darbi -Bargain Expert
Amanda K. -Latest Trends Expert
Sarah M. -Preppy Expert
Megan M. -Sporty Expert
Nicolette R. -Plus-Size Expert
Shantel S. -Special Events Expert
Maddie -Vintage/Thrift Expert
Chako S. -Urban/Street Wear Expert
The "Other Guys" at Hays Internet Marketing, Inc.
Thanks to Marshall, Clark, and Joe for their constant push to create compelling content for the web. Marshall's in charge, Joe is always amazingly helpful when you need some genius-level code, and Clark loves to put his look on everything. Go check out their other popular sites too! - VirtualKiss.com and WhoDoYouLove.com.
Thanks to all the loyal visitors of DailyFashion.com. We truly appreciate the time you take to explore our site, submit some fashion advice or a tip, and revel in our world of fashion. We also thank you for your feedback, which allows us to make this site better for everyone. Keep it up!