| Megan
Sporty Expert
The Sporty Look goes way beyond basketball jerseys and sweat pants... so let our Sporty Fashion Expert Megan expand your playing field. |
Beyond the Stereotype of Sporty
Hi! My name is Megan, and I'd like to thank you for venturing to DailyFashion.com, the place where all your fashion questions are answered and needs are met. I am the Sporty Resident Expert here at DailyFashion.com, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
As I said before, my name is Megan and I am from a little city on the central coast of California. Lucky for me, this little city is full of fashion. Today I'd like to tell you about an aspect of hot fashion that I see here--Yes that's right this section is for all the know-how of the Sporty realm of fashion.
Before I start let me be clear on my definition of sporty. Now, I don't mean just basketball jerseys and soccer shorts. Not that there is any thing wrong with that, but if that's what you live in, you're missing out on a whole world of opportunity in sporty fashion. Let me just start by telling you about some sporty items that you may have looked over.
If you're into sports, or just like to look that way, you can do it without looking like you're going to a basketball game all the time. For example, a nice way to look sporty is simply by wearing all one color, i like red, yellow or green, but just about any color as long as it looks good on you. Tank tops and tube tops are way popular in the sporty world, so why don't you "sport" them (sorry i just couldn't help myself). Just about any pants with stripes along the side, paired with a tube top, or tank or even a jersey, will give you the sporty look. If you feel like you want to wear a jersey, without having to wear a huge men's shirt, remember that many stores sell shirts or tanks made to look like jerseys, with numbers and stuff on them, just for you!!! A lot of times sporty girls like to show a little tummy, and my personal recommendation on that is to pair a short tank top with some warm up pants, either all the same color or a pattern paired with a solid. You may have seen this hot look on Jennifer Lopez's latest video for her hit song "If You Had My Love."
Now, as for the shoes, it's all about tennis shoes with everything!! I've seen countless people doing that, and why not, its so much nicer on your feet. It looks cute too. Last but not least, I'd like to give you a little tip about your hair girls...don't stress it! Sporty clothes look best when hair is just down or in a bandanna or even thrown up in a ponytail! That's the beauty of it!!
Well girls, that's all I have for you today, but tune in next time for more hot tips in the sporty world. And if you have any questions for me then please let me know. Keep Sportin' Style!
Your sporty expert, Megan
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