| Maddie
Vintage/Thrift Expert
Vintage and Thrift Stores are often a hidden paradise of fashion potential. Our Vintage Fashion Expert Maddie guides our expeditions into the fashion past... and future! |
Take Vintage Fashion Further
Because it is the nature of the vintage store or thrift
shop to carry a
random assortment of clothing, particular sizes are sometimes
very difficult
to find. Often you finally spot "the" dress or "the" shirt
only to try it on
and find that the hem is just a little too long or it is just
a little too
Thus, I highly suggest that vintage and thrift junkies
take up sewing.
Soon that long hem or that wide shirt will be a thing of the
past as you
learn to tailor in a matter of minutes.
The clothing in vintage and thrift stores also tends to be
"as-is," which
on one hand allows the prices of vintage and thrift clothes to
remain low. On
the other hand, this means that whatever Person X did to or
spilled on the
clothing you are about to buy that is just the way you get it.
Therefore, it
is extremely important to inspect your potential purchases
very carefully
before buying. A large stain embedded in the fabric for the
past four decades
will probably not be coming out any time soon if at all.
However, a minor
tear along a seam can easily be fixed with your brilliant
sewing skills.
If you choose to be particularly creative, vintage and
thrift stores also
become wonderful places to buy cheap fabric. Disassemble
pieces. Cut them up.
Sew several pieces together for a new look. Mix vintage with a
newer style
for something that is completely unique to you.
You choose not
to create an
item of clothing at all; maybe the fabric on that retro skirt
could become
one dope shoulder bag. Rule of thumb: have fun!
Happy Hunting! :)