| Darbi
Bargain Expert
Money isn't everything... even when it comes to fashion! Our bargain-hunting queen Darbi is on the prowl to dress best for less. |
Gettin' Jiggy In January!
Hey all you fashion diva queens! I had a killer
weekend! I shopped till I dropped and picked up some
out of this world deals while I was at it! I am gonna
list them and hopefully I will inspire a few a you
fabulous ladies to submit your own item of the week!
Old Navy
Reg. $24.50 On Sale for $6.99
Reg. $16.50 On Sale for $3.99
(And HELLO, you can't buy the material that cheap!)
Reg. $34.50 On Sale for $9.99
Down-filled vest:
Reg. $42.00 On Sale for $19.99
Reg. $22.50 On Sale for $9.99
I purchased a total of 1 pair of jeans, 1 vest, 2
pair of socks, 1 bag, 2 key chains, 2 sweatshirts, 5
shirts, 2 button-up shirts, 1 sweater for $110!!!!!
Now that is what I call a SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was also happy to report on purchasing a Unionbay
sweatshirt orignally priced at $42.00 for $13.00 at
Contempo Casual.
IF you haven't already (and even if you have) head
out to the mall or shop of your choice to discover
your own fantastic deals and don't forget to get jiggy
with it in January!
Until next time, Keep Steppin' in Style!