| Darbi
Bargain Expert
Money isn't everything... even when it comes to fashion! Our bargain-hunting queen Darbi is on the prowl to dress best for less. |
Belt the Issue!
When all else fails "Belt the Issue!"
When your outfit just needs a little extra PIZAZZ, pair a nice cow,
zebra or leopard print belt to your ensemble! You can use the classic
colors: black and white cow or zebra or brown leopard or you can
always go with the new colorful tasty schemes that are all over the
fashion scene! Pink and black zebra or red and orange leopard! Anyway
you slice it, its a great idea at relatively low prices!
Rule of thumb:
Belt should ALWAYS match shoes!!!!
This doesn't mean that the cow-print belt must coordinate with
cow-print shoes but at least white or black ones!! Nothing is more
obvious than a mis-matched belt and shoes!!! This would be a dead
give-away of pure loss of fashion sense, if any ever existed within
your soul in the beginning! (and let's hope you are still full of this
stylish sense!)