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Nightlife Expert

A night out on the town needs some expert fashion advice...let our Nightlife Expert help!

Need Some New Clothes?

Hello again fashion seekers...

This past week I celebrated my 19th birthday. I had a blast. I went to the Japanese Steakhouse downtown and to a bunch of bars. (Yes I know I am underage, but we just went to hang out). Anyhow, I did snag a few phone numbers due to the awesome outfit that I wore.

Since Ohio is still cold right now I am forced to bundle up in warmer clothes. On my birthday I wore some tight black pants with some black chunky heeled boots, and this awesome new shirt I got.. it has one long sleeve and is diagonally cut down the front and there is no sleeve on the other side.. but it has a scarf that attached to the top of it. I've found some really cool sites that you can link onto to find shirts like this one and others.

Those are only a few... there are many web browsers that you can find different stores on... or you can visit and they have a list of cool stores you can look through. Hope you find a sweet outfit to suit your nightlife needs. Have fun girls, and be smart about what you do.


Check these other great articles from our Nightlife Expert:

Hello Fashion Seekers!4/24/01
Look Out For Summer!4/12/01
Need Some New Clothes?2/28/01
The Month of Love!2/14/01
The Nightlife!1/29/01

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