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Nightlife Expert

A night out on the town needs some expert fashion advice...let our Nightlife Expert help!

Look Out For Summer!

It's warming up girls... FINALLY! And that means you can break out the tanks and put away those sweaters till the end of this year.

Fashion is on the rise so look out for some new trends, and send daily fashion or me some mail to tell us your favorite outfits. As you get older I think you become more conservative about what you wear, you put away those flowery tank tops and baby t-shirts and purchase some nice spagetti strap tanks, or pretty halters.

Capri pants are still adorable and they're coming out with some really nice ones at places like Express, The Limited, Old Navy, Lerner New York, and even Target.. which now carries Mossimo clothing.

I know that there will be so many new creations of fashion for this summer because we're literally breaking into a new era of clothing. So if you attend clubs, restaurants, parties... keep a look out for any new look that catches your eye and report back to us. For the mean time.. get out and get active in this nice weather!


Check these other great articles from our Nightlife Expert:

Hello Fashion Seekers!4/24/01
Look Out For Summer!4/12/01
Need Some New Clothes?2/28/01
The Month of Love!2/14/01
The Nightlife!1/29/01

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