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Travel Expert

Where to go and what to wear!?!...Read on for help!

The New Travel Expert!

Hey Chica Travelers!

I'm Niya, your travel expert. I'm a 17 year old senior in high school. I'm also probably one of the most culturally diverse and aware experts on this site. Unlike some other travel experts, I actually travel! I'm Dominican and Puerto Rican, but I live here in the United States. I have friends on every continent, and I've visited quite a few of my foreign friends. So, I guess I could be considerd a self-proclaimed travel expert.

Now that you know who I am, I can let you know what I do. No, more like what I will do for you! Every person that visits this site, and reads my article is a traveler. It doesn't matter if you are travel by foot, plane, or car; it doesn't matter if you are traveling to the next city, state, continent, or to the park. Whever you go, I believe that you represent where you are coming from, and what kind a person you are. I'll tell you this now, some of you will be going to places where no one speaks your language. So, what your appearance IS how you'll be judged, what will the verdict be?

On that note, I'll close with a little advice. Whoever you are, whatever the season may be, wherever you plan to go, there is one thing you always must have: a white tank top. I'd suggest you keep a black one too, but always have a crisp, clean white tank top. Trust me, a white tank does wonders for even the most weary traveler....I'll tell you why next time!

Mucho Amor Y Paz,


Check these other great articles from our Travel Expert:

So, you like to travel...2/15/01
The New Travel Expert!1/29/01
I'm Back!!!!1/30/01

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