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Travel Expert

Where to go and what to wear!?!...Read on for help!

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Do you recall me mentioning tank tops? White tank tops, black tank tops, they are all miracles! From Pakistan, to Brazil, to Canada a basic tank is the staple of every girl's wardrobe. You must remember, that when you travel, you'll want to keep things simple, not too casual, but comfortable. When you see the exquisite sarongs draped over Indian women, look more closely, because there is a very basic color under that fabric. And it makes so much sense, because too much of anything is just no good at all. Now, let's move to a colder climate, oh...Greenland perhaps? People there dress in layers, starting with the basic tank and working up to rabbit fur leggings or whatever they like to wear when it's cold outside.

Since this will be one of the last times that I place so much emphasis on one of the most important articles of clothing that any girl should own, I'll have to drive this home: basic tanks are basically the best!

Now, that you all undertsand my platform: The Essence of Simplicty (by Way of A Tank), I will move into more areas of specialized interest. We'll be exploring fashions of various countries and regions, how to dress for different seasons, and anything you want to know about what to wear and where to go. Until next time, Chica Travelers.....

Mucho Amor y Paz,


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