Question: |
Hi Experts,
I saw your website and thought it wuz pretty KEWL. And I desperately need your help, O Great Fashion Gurus!!! Here'z the problem, I'm nerdy and when I go out, some people don't even notice me. It is like they're gonna step on me or something! I luv shopping but dat means I collect really cool & fashionable clothes, but I'm somewhat scared to wear them. My wadrobe is like 10 times my mum's, but I still wear really baggy tees and a pair of baggy jeans. I'm just the right size (I'm not too thin and not plump), I stand about 158cm. I have a sort of yellowish brownish tan which I inherited from my dad who is a Chinese. I don't really know what kind of colour suits me, and what doesn't. I have pretty cute-dolly like features:big eyes ,smooth skin and small thick lippies. But my self esteem rolls them down... So please help me choose a style and colour that will *hopefully* make the boy of my dreams notice me.
Thanks a zillion...
UNlucky 13~
Advice: |
Chako: Urban/Street Wear Expert
The makeover that needs to be taken is not on the outside but rather on the inside. I can completely relate to what you are feeling right now. What it took me to get out of this slump was realizing that I definitely wasn't as horrid as I thought I was and as I thought OTHER PEOPLE thought I was.
Didja get that? It *does* make you feel good to wear a cute outfit, but what makes you feel better is YOU and not some tangible object. You will find that as this is figured out you will find your own niche and your own style and your own group of friends that you fit into.
Here's a starter: Think of things that make you happy and wear colors and patterns that remind you of those things or try a plethora of different hair dos and makeup choices and see which ones you feel most comfortable in.
Most importantly, don't force molding yourself into something you aren't--you will get more lost than you were before!
-- Chako
Darbi: Bargain Expert
Self-esteem is the KEY that can unlock any door in
life! You have to have confidence and believe in
yourself before anybody else will, so keep that in
You seem to already have a killer wardrobe
established so just start struttin' your killer
threads all over the place!!! Show the world what a
friendly, nice, fashionable gal you are and you are
sure to be a hit! Have confidence but don't be snotty
about it!!
Make conversation with people and ALWAYS
compliment others on their cool threads! Everybody
loves a compliment!! Someone with a stylin closet
like yours needs to put it into use at once!!! Hit
the mall to get started and put that first killer
outfit into action!!
Good luck and don't waste another moment!! Start
putting those ensembles together and hit the road
jack!! And don't be afraid to showcase your style
again girlfriend!!
Until next time, Keep Steppin' in Style!
Amanda: Latest Trends Expert
Not As Unlucky As You May Think,
Don't be so hard on yourself...give yourself some
credit! You just need
to quit worrying about what everyone else thinks. People may
think they can
step all over you only because you give them the impression
that they can.
It's all in the ATTITUDE. Attitude is everything. You have
to hold your head
up high, and think "I ROCK."
People are bound to notice you
a lot more that
way. Guys are particularly attracted to girls with that
"glow" or that
"certain something." How are they to notice all of that if
you hide it from
them? Don't be scared to drag that hidden wadrobe outta the
closet!! If you
buy gotta wear it girl!
Let's just say that your
new years
resolution was to come out of the shell you're hiding in,
and stop being
afraid to be the fashion diva that's hidden inside of you.
Yes, change does
take time. But if you take it with simple strides you'll
eventually be who
you wanna be. When you're at the age of 13, everything is
awkward. You're in
the middle stage where you don't know who you wanna be, you
don't know what
friends you wanna hang with, and you definately worry about
boys a little
more than you need to..
So, my advice
to you is that
you should test the waters. Throw away those baggy jeans and
tees, and pull
out those clothes that have collected dust and shake 'em out
a little cutie!
Best of luck sweets!!
Kym- Accessories Expert
Hey Girl,
Don't call yourself fashionless! It's all in how you
carry yourself. If
you like what you wearing, you should feel great no matter
what everyone else
Basically, the other girls are lacking confidence. They
all wish they
had your self assurance. Keep your head held up high and
continue to be your
own person.
Thanks for writing. Please contact us again!
Shantel: Special Events Expert
Dear Unlucky,
Don't be scared to wear your new clothes! If you
bought them, it means you like them. If you like them, wear
them! They are
in style now, and won't be later, so get up the guts to wear
them before the
style is over. You'll be the coolest dressed girl in school.
I'm jealous that
you have so many cool clothes. To get up the nerve to become
a fashion
queen, start off by wearing your new clothes someplace that
you don't see
anyone you know, like a different town. Then
wear them to a
movie or something, where you'll see very few people before
it gets dark.
When you do wear them in your hometown at the mall, go with
friends. They
will help give you support and make you not so self
conscious. Build up to
wearing them all day to school. Trust me, you'll love the
effect. I am SURE
everyone will love the new look for you!
Maddie: Vintage/Thrift Expert
Dear Unlucky 13,
Never fear! There is always hope. With your Asian skin
(I am Asian as
well ^_^ ) I would advise you to be very careful with bright
colors. In
particular, be wary of green and pink. Lighter shades can be
pretty but the
bright shades... eww... need I say more?
As for your
wardrobe, there is no
need to adhere to a certain "style." I myself have eclectic
taste and simply
wear what catches my fancy. I encourage you not to limit
your options.
However, if you are attempting to avoid the "nerdy" look, as
you mentioned, I
advise you not to overkill the preppy look, especially if
you wear glasses.
From your plea for help, it appears that your true
problem is not a lack
of fashion savvy, but a lack of confidence. That you must
find within
yourself. There is not easy way around it. You simply have
to search your
soul for the necessary self love. Perhaps you are afraid of
criticism from
others? And although the attractive girls who dress
impeccably turn heads,
the confident girls are the ones that draw guys' attention
and keep it.
luck! :)
Love eternally,
Maddie :P
Megan-Sporty Expert
Dear Unlucky 13,
I completely understand what you're going through. Im glad
your concerned with you style, but i think there may be a
bigger problem here, your self-esteem. But I have just the
cure! Once you start dressing cuter hopefully your
self-esteem will rise and you'll be cofident enough to go get
that guy of your dreams.
Now if you read my article I'm sure
you can guess what color Im gonna tell you to go
for....Pink! Everyone has their own shade of pink so find
yours, that will get you noticed! Also you may want to try
wearing skirts a little more often, it gives you a little
extra bounce in your step. Good luck with finding your own
style, and dont break too many hearts!
Love ya!

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