Question: |
Dear Experts,
I have a lot of clothes, but I'm sick of them. Instead of
getting all
new clothes, are then any new, trendy combinations I could
try? I want some
new looks with the clothes I already have. I need to jazz them
up a bit. Thnx
a million!
~Sarah in WI
Advice: |
Shantel: Special Events Expert
Hey Sarah!!
I think the best way to answer your questions is this:
Take the t-shirts
you are sick of wearing alone, and find a cool shirt to wear
over them, for instance
a button down one that is perhaps two different colors that are
also in your original
shirts. I do this a lot. If you don't have any, you'll only
need to pick up
a few new shirts.
A belt really adds to your jeans. It makes
them look like
a whole different pair. Take a long sleeved shirt and stick a
short sleeved
one (with corrosponding colors or COURSE!) on the top. You can
wear even 3
shirts. The collar of your shirt will look really cute. Don't
get into the
habbit of wearing a certain pair of jeans with a certain shirt.
My mom taught me to do that, and break that habit because it limits your wardrobe
try different accessories you have never tried with other things.
Mix and match
clothes. Have your friends come over. Sometimes another eye
can REALLY help
you pick stuff out.
Hope this helped.
Chako: Urban/Street Wear Expert
Yo Sarah way over in Wisconsin,
There are a ton of options for funktafyin up that
wardrobe of yours. A
good item to purchase right now is a faux fur piece--be it a
jacket, vest, or
hat. Pick something in a bright color like burgundy or purple
pick something that is NOT REAL FUR!!!!! (I do not support
animal cruelty in
the name of fashion). A faux fur piece can liven up any pair
of jeans and
plain tee and are hot for clubbing in.
Another fresh item is
a Cowboy hat!
Even these come in faux fur and they're perfect with a
glitterly little top
and some leather pants or tight dark blue denims. Glitter is
always a good
choice, whether in makeup or teeny little tank tops that tie
in the back.
What we're thinkin here is 70's and 80's glam rock! Turn up
some Jamiroqaui
and accessorize, child!
Party like it's 1999!
Amanda: Latest Trends Expert
Well, since I'm not sure about what types of clothes you
have lingering
around in your closet....why don't you find some clothes
catalogs and have a
look through them. A lot of styles that have been out are now
back in. You
might be able to find bits and pieces of those outfits in your
closet. Or,
take what you see..and transform your clothes into the same
thing. You might
even be able to find the "extras" you might need at Target
etc..such as
pullovers, or plain shirts. Give it a try! And write us back!
Darbi: Bargain Expert
Dear Sarah--
Layered looks are in! So try layering your
shirts. You could pair a long sleeved tee with a
short sleeve shirt. Also try different shirts under
sweaters! Just let yourself go wild! Maybe you could
even creat your own ensembles by cutting and sewing
some of your present day clothing. Try to work with
cool color combinations too!
Purple & Gray
Red & Orange
Blue & Orange
(these are just a few)
Just be creative!
Let your fashion abilities take
Good luck!
Madelin- World Expert
Dear Sarah,
Giving a new look to an outfit doesn't mean changing it completely. Try some different coloured stockings if it's a skirt your wearing, or dress in a different style. Eg, if your a really funky, bright colours person, try one of this seasons best looks- the 'business-girl" with a pair of pants or skirt, a collared white shirt and a plain jumper. Try layering your clothes- skirt over pants, long shirt over dress etc. New accessories can change an outfit- buy some beads and make your own, or if you like vampish- feather boas etc. Get out all your clothes and let your imagination run wild!
Kym- Accessories Expert
Hello Sara,
There are a few pieces that will jazz up your entire
closet with just a
few pieces. Try getting a few different button down shirt
with three quater
length sleeves. These can go over cute skirts or nice pants
to really liven
up an outfit. Also get a few shrugs, which can slip over many
tank tops to
give them winter warmness.
In terms of pants, definatly get one pair of plain black
boot cut pants.
(I recommend Levi's bend-over brand, although their difficult
to find) These
will go with many things and expand your wardrobe tenfold. To
really expand
your wardrobe, save your money each month and purchase one new
Have fun shopping!
Maddie: Vintage/Thrift Expert
Dear Sarah,
Are you perhaps wearing the same combinations of outfits
over and over
again? As for myself, I often trap my options by finding a
combination that
works and never deviating from it. Try having an open mind to
try different
essembles and accessorizing what you already have.
If you have any sewing skills, capitalize on them. Take a
trip to fabric
or crafts store and purchase some inexpensive patches, iron-on
rhinestones... whatevver catches your fancy. Use your
creativitiy and good
taste to jazz up your old clothes.
If you have any friends in the same situation that wear
the same size
clothing, barter. Each person can bring a few pieces in good
condition that
she would like to rid herself of and trade them. Bond. Have
fun. And obtain a
new look at the same time! :)

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