| Felicity
Plus-Size Expert
Our Plus-Size Fashion Expert Felicity knows that size doesn't matter... fashion is for everybody! So put down that celery stick and get fashionable! |
All Your Questions Answered!
Hey girlies!
I've been receiving a ton of mail lately, so I decided to devote this week's column to answering
some of your most pressing fashion queries. So grab your questions, and here we go!!
Dear Felicity,
I just landed a great job in a clothing store and I'm psyched. The only problem is that
they prefer us to wear their clothing brand, and I don't fit into their sizes! Even
though it's not mandatory, I don't want to stick out like a soar thumb! What should I do?
- Brandee, MN
Dear Brandee,
Congratulations on the job! You may be in luck, depending on the type of clothing
that your store sells. If they market more of a classic look, head over to Lane Bryant or
The Avenue and pick up a few basics. A pair of black bootcut pants, grey skirts, white
t-shirts, cardigans and button-down shirts are all excellent choices because they're simple
and can be mixed and matched with trendier items. Talk to your manager and see what they
Dear Felicity,
I looked into my closet this weekend and I realized that my clothes are in serious need of
an update. I work after school, but I don't have a lot of money to spend on an entirely new
wardrobe. What key pieces should I look for?
- Dana, VA
Dear Dana,
What a great question! Since being on a budget is something I know all about, you came to
the right place. One of best items to buy this fall is a pair of flare jeans. More and more
stores are now selling them in larger sizes, so we're not doomed to tapered jeans,
which usually accentuate larger hips. Look for a darker rinse from companies like Merona
(at Target) or Zana-Di (at many discount department stores). Also be on the look out for
turtleneck sweaters. They're a great way to keep warm as the air gets cooler and an easy
way to update an old pair of pants or a skirt you already have. Another inexpensive way to
update any wardrobe is to grab a few fab' accessories. Grab a pair of shoes or boots in python
or, my favorite, crocodile prints. A great bag can also be a cheap way of keeping with the
trends. Seek out your local Claire's or Accessory Place for inspiration. Most of all, look
for styles that you like and feel comfortable wearing. Style is not so much about trends as
it as about feeling confident and comfortable.
*****Attention all Dailyfashion.com readers: I want to know about your style and wardrobe for a
change. This month, I want to know about your all time favorite pair of black pants. Every girl
has 'em and every girl wants more! If you'd like to participate in my survey, please email me with
your name and state, brand and size of your fav' pants and why you love them so much at:
felicity@dailyfashion.com *****