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Bust Those Swim-Suit Blues!
Having trouble finding the right swim-suit for this summer? Have no fear!
Manduh is here!
There is always a point in a young girl's life when she absolutely dreads
shopping for a swim-suit. Either she just hates the hassle, she can never
find anything to quench her style, or she down right hates the look of her
body in front of that all demeaning department store mirror! I know and
understand first hand the grief one can go through! Why? Because I've been
there, and done that for the past 17 years!
It feels like only yesterday that it was a frosty 45 degrees outside and
that summer seemed like a millenium away. But, as we all have anticipated,
summer is surely yet quickly creeping up on us as it does every year. So, as
fashion divas we have to prepare for this long awaited season, and we can't
let it get us down!
Bright, flourescent colors are in the mainstream for swim-suits.
Definitely the kind of colors that will bring out a great tan! From funky
flower designs to sheer, and simple shimmery designs. We also won't forget
our ever beloved Hawaiian prints that I sense will always capture our
hearts:o) There are also many differnt designs and materials to choose from
these days. We've always had our basic one piece, and our basic two piece
traditional bikini. But now we have choices from a Tankini, to our swim-suits
with a basic top and boy cut shorts!
Finding the right swim-suit to flatter your body or to hide life's little
burdens can always be a maze in its own. I have scars myself, and I
never seem to find the right suit to flatter my body either. Tears have been
shed over this task that should be so simple. My advice to you ladies is to
keep your head up high and to never stop searching! You may have to settle
for something less than what you imagined, but it's always better than
nothing at all. Don't be so hard on yourself either, it will only make things
more hectic! Put a smile on that beautiful face, and don't let that mean old
swim-suit devil get ya flustered! Grrrrrr! Girl Power!
If you really aren't up for dragging yourself around endless department
stores and specialty stores, and if you even want to save yourself some
grief...why not take advantage of the awesome technology you have at your
fingertips?! I've listed some sites here for all of you that have some great
selections of swim-suits....please feel free to visit every single one..and
P.S. There should be something for every body shape and size! I tried my
best! Fuller young ladies look for our Plus size experts column in a few
weeks if you don't find anything hear to fit your fancy!