| Amanda
Latest Trends Expert
What's new? What's hip? Our expert has done the legwork for you... so read on! |
Audience Questions galore!!
I have decided to post a bunch of audience questions for my column this week. Please
remember that I am very interested in helping you fashion divas if you ever have a question.
Just send your question, and I will answer it and have it posted on my section.
Thanks a lot,
Question 1:
Hi Experts,
~I have a bust that is too big for my age...What should I wear to
make them look smaller?
Amanda's Response:
Hey Busty!!
There are a few things that you can do to reduce your
bust. First, if you
feel like you could shape up and/or that you need
exercise....you can reduce
yor bust by doing certain exercises or just exercising in
general will do the
Secondly, this is my fav, there are bras you can buy
that are
specially made to make you bust look one size smaller, maybe
two. The other
thing I like about them is they give your bust a rounded
shape. They don't
make them look stuck out and cone shaped. You can buy them
at JCPenny's or
any other department store. Sadly you won't find them at
Target and Wal-Mart
for great prices, but the bras are worth the hefty penny.
Keep Smilin and Stylin!
Question 2:
Well my hair is about shoulder length maybe longer, and I have
bangs, but I don't
have much to do with my hair...do you have any advice?
Sick of Hair
Amanda's Response:
Hi Sick of Hair!!
Simple hair is in for this fall, as our one and only Urban
expert Chako
has reminded us. If you don't like your straight hair look,
try looking at a
hair salon in one of the featured styles books we've all
looked through time
after time, or a magazine for a layered look. Having layers
will give you
something to do with your hair. You can either curl your
layers, or blow-dry
them for a whispy look. This will give your hair structure,
volume, and your
new layered look could also accent your face and help it stand
out more.
If you don't want to spend the money on a hair cut, then
you can always
browse your accessory stores for barettes, head bands, etc.
Search for items
that hold your fancy and improvise them into your own look.
You can even add
hair glitter if it fits your fancy. Some girls even enjoy hair
mascara, those
range in colors from blue to green, red, pink, purple and
Another thing to do is to ask your friends,
and see what
they are doing to their hair and what they think you should
being do to
yours. Being an online expert, I can't see your lovely-self
everyday like
your friends can. If you're not sure what to do, they know you
just as well
as you know yourself. They might be able to pinpoint the exact
look you should try.
Much Love Fashion Diva!!
Question 3:
This is a teen gal from Asia speaking..
I am from a strict school which doesn't allow colouring of
hair, mutiple
pierced ears or coloured hair clips..etc..
I will like to know how i can look cool in school, without
breaking the
school rules or getting in to trouble. Any advice?
Elle Ying-Chan
Amanda's Response:
Wow, those rules are rough on a fashion diva! But,
never fear, there
is always the perfect style for every ocassion. Go for the
sleek/classy look.
Pleated skirts, quarter length shirts, turtle necks, simple
cardigans, A-line skirts, and black flares in cotton etc. Look
reds,greys, blacks, suttle yellows, darker purples and blues.
Wear your hair
simple, whisped back or layered. If you wear make-up, wear
warm colors on
your cheeks, lips, and eyes.
Question 4:
Ok my friend and I were walking down the hall and we saw this
girl with
a totally skinny body! My friend goes, "don't you think I look
like her?" I answered by saying that yes she did look like her.
Well then I asked her about me and she said " Heck No!" That
hurt my
feelings a lot. I really need some help, do you have any good
Usually I wear carps and a tank or a tank with an over top.
Well can you
Amanda's Response:
Don't listen to your friend. If she was your true
friend she should
have known to be more sensitive about those types of comments.
Being a girl
herself she should know what type of damage that could cause
for one's
emotions. Being skinny isn't everything sweets. I'm sure you
are perfectly
But if you are really worried about your appearence, eat
healthy and
exercise. Don't even think about the pills, or the so called
drinks." Not all those work for everyone, and especially being
a young
woman, you don't need to be forcing your body into that kind
of stuff.
lots of water. A single cold glass of water can possibly burn
35 calories
alone. It also keeps you hydrated and ready for physical
activities. Try
joining an aerobics class such as kick-boxing etc at your
nearest sports and
recreation center. But, I wouldn't worry about anything hun,
just worry about
being true to yourself and you'll be just fine.
4ever Your Fashion Junkie,
Question 5:
Hi there,
I really admire the way you've handled "How Do I
Make The Guy I Like At School Notice Me?" (Oct 11, 99). I am
average in height and weight--not on the plum side. Even
though I admit that from the waist upwards is my best asset, I
too, share the same lack of confidence for my rear. And also
my legs--I hide my rear and legs in more-or-less loose (not
too baggy) jeans, and long "A-line" skirts. But I feel as if
my wardrobe could only do me so much.... and I think I need to
widen my choice of clothes rather than wearing jeans and long
skirts all the time. Could you suggest some wears that I
could get within a minimal budget? Also, what is effective for
obtaining gorgeous rear and legs?
Bored Diva
Amanda's Response:
Bored Diva,
What can I say, I used to do the same exact thing. I
used to hide my
legs and my tush. Every girl I know has done it either once or
twice or is
continuing into her millionth time. I definately believe that
legs and tush
are the two number one things a woman or young lady strives to
Now, you
said you wanted alternatives to just jeans and
skirts...compromising with a
minimal budget? Well, let's see...maybe you should try cargo
pants or semi-fitting black cotton flares. Any bottom pieces
in dark colors
will have a slimming effect. And the only real way to tell if
anything will
hide your bum is if you try the pants on...and I know every
girl hates this
sometimes when they are shopping.....but take a look in the
mirror. If it's
not what u want....toss the suckers and try the next!:o)
Limited jeans and
Express jeans are based at fairly reasonable prices and the
boot leg-cut
jeans do wonders for the bottom. Take a look at places such as
Wal-Mart, and K-Mart. Just recently I have noticed their new
motivation in
supplying clothes that are "in"...it's ok to shop at places
like these!
There are so many styles and things that you can wear out
there that it's
just a matter of digging, looking, and spending time searching
for the
perfect new look.
Effective ways to improve the legs and butt
you say??
RUN..or go rent "buns & legs of steel videos"...hehe....running helped
me out alot..it
also helps with other attributes too. Hope I helped...if I
didn't...write me
back...and yell at me..hehe...and I'll give you more ideas!!