| Amanda
Latest Trends Expert
What's new? What's hip? Our expert has done the legwork for you... so read on! |
Are You Feeling Vestful?
It's hard to ignore those catchy advertisements by Old Navy.
You can't resist, you
must have a vest! Vests are a hot fashion item this fall. Many come in fitted, zip-up, boxy or pullover
styles. Colors
span the rainbow, and many vests have features such as
drawstrings, velcro
closures and hoods, or bungee cord details. Bubble vests, Raid
vests, fleece
or denim take your pick! Try these sites Old Navy
and The Gap.
When choosing your vest-
1. Remember that if you choose a brighter color, it's harder
to wear that
more than once a week without someone noticing. Darker colors
are more
2. The fleece vest is preppy and snuggly fit.
3. Denim vests have pockets and compartments.
Also check out this question a viewer submitted for Amanda:
Dear Amanda,
I know that wearing a skirt over pants is big in England, but
has it really
come to the U.S. yet? I've seen a few skirt/pants sets, but I
don't know if
it's the thing to wear yet.
I'm afraid that if I start wearing them like that, people
won't be used to it
quite yet. Help!
Amanda's Response:
Hey Sarah!!
The "confused pants" look I noticed, is
very slowly creeping itself onto the clothes racks in the US.
Personally, I
think it's a cute look. It's different, but fun. But don't be
afraid to wear
them hun, if you like them...go for it! Don't wait and let
someone snag your
style. When I wore my own pair to school....everyone loved
them and thought
they were cute. I even know a few girl friends who went and
bought their own
pair after seeing mine. Don't be afraid to be different...be
afraid because
you're not!
A White Winter
You mother has always told you never to wear white
after Labor Day.
Well, break the rules this fall because white is in! But it is
acceptable to wear a cream or ivory white rather than a true
To bead or not to bead..that is the question?
Finally a
bracelet that can
brighten your day. Power bead bracelets, such to impart such
gifts as health,
courage and fortune, are selling out everywhere. From New York
vendors to
department stores.
Empowerment and feng shui bead bracelets
are among the
most popular. Empowerment varies with the type of bead. For
example a black
onyx bracelet promises to boost willpower. Rose quartz is the
bead of love,
and amethyst brings serenity. They range in price from
$5-$20....but don't
pay more than $10 ladies! Buy them from a vendor in New York
or DC. Or buy
them in an accesory store such as Claires