| Kym
Accessories Expert
It's the little things that matter... like what shoes go with which purse! Our Accessories Expert Kym helps with the details that make the difference. |
Feeling Good and Looking Great on Stressful Days
Do exams and midterms have you looking like a rag doll instead of a
fashion princess? Is stress bogging you down and making you look sick?
Adding color and simple touches to your outfit will make you look
wonderful again, and may attract eyes away from your flaws and on to areas
that you accesorize and emphasize.
The most important stress-buster in clothing is COLOR. A really bright
accesory or shirt always makes me feel perkier and more cheerful. This is
helpful for days when I just don't feel like I can go anymore. Certain
colors may put you in a special mood. Try pink or red for romance, yellow
for cheerfulness, purple or red for power, orange for impact, and blue or
pale green for calmness. This may sound strange, but putting these colors on
may actually have a mental impact. When you put these items on in the
morning, remind yourself of the message each on brings. Then remind yourself
of your color goal for the day. Wearing these items is like a string around
your finger -- they can remind you of your power to pull through, the power
to put yourself in a better mood, or the power to enhance or influence your
romantic side.
The secret to keeping calm during these stressful days is simpleness.
Working these colors into your wardrobe should be an act of calmness, not one
of frustration. Do not stress about exactly what you are wearing -- these
thoughts will make you crazy. Simply wear what makes you feel good and work
in a few power items (a bracelet for power, a shirt for calmness, etc.)
Please take time to relax. This is a stressful time of the year for
everyone, and it's important to remind ourselves to slow down and take on
less -- including less pressure on ourselves. Wear what is comfortable and
sends a positive message.