| Kym
Accessories Expert
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Necessary Accessories
What accessories are necessary for the back to school crunch?
Surprisingly few! Here are the latest must-haves.
1. A kerchief for your hair. These are so cute and also easy to make! Get
yourself some material from the local craft store, and make one in about ten
minutes. (Cut out a triangle and run a quick hem around it, adding ribbon to
2. A cute pleather coat. These coats are not too heavy, not too light --
perfect for that fall weather we're about to get.
3. A funky pocketbook -- something loud with undertones of black that will
match anything. My advice? Go for something with an animal print -- you'll
feel wild (and tame!) all at the same time.
4. A new pair of shoes. Get something comfortable, though -- school not
only tires your mind, but your feet!
5. A new lipstick and compact -- to put in your cute pocketbook for after
school touchups.
6. A way-out nailpolish -- even if to only polish your toes!
Take these few little steps to be totally wild, but the utmost of style!
Have fun getting crazy!
Thanks for visiting DailyFashion. Please write to me if you have any
questions: kymmy@dailyfashion.com!