| Kym
Accessories Expert
It's the little things that matter... like what shoes go with which purse! Our Accessories Expert Kym helps with the details that make the difference. |
Audience Questions Galore!!
Hello again to all you fashion-savvy girls!
This week I
thought I'd focus on
some audience questions. So, I hope this helps, and remember if you want to send in questions to me, I'd love to help ya out.
Question 1:
Dear Kym:
OK, this summer I had my hair cut and layered like Jennifer
Anniston's, but
am a total fashion klutz, and I don't know how to style it.
One of the
is really short, it looks horrible! Help!
Kym's Response:
Hey Amelia,
Never fret -- a bad haircut can be fixed! You need to
buy a huge round
brush with plastic bristles (it should be at least three
inches in diameter).
Use this brush to curl your hair under. Place sections of
hair under the
brush. Aim the hairdryer at the section with one hand while
pulling the
brush down and under with the other hand. This will smooth
the shortest
layer down and make your hair seem well - normal! : )
If you
still don't
like you hair, experiment with some of the hairstyles I've
mentioned in
previous columns. If none of this helps, try revisiting the
salon to see if
they can make your layers more manageable. After all, hair
is only beautiful
if you can achieve the look you desire everyday!
Good luck!
Keep visiting the site and looking for updates!
Thanks for writing
to me, please get back to me with any other questions you
might have.
Question 2:
Hi Kym!
I wear my hair the same way every day- down. I have light
brown hair that
falls about one inch below my chin. I curl it under
sometimes, but that's
about it! I hate how it looks in a pony tail- it makes me
feel like a boy.
I need some new ideas on how to style it. Thanx a bunch!
~Crista in PA
Kym's Response:
Hey Crista, (by the way, I love your name - its so cute!)
How about looking up my column from the last few weeks.
In them I have
mentioned a few ideas to dress up really short hair. Try
looking at my
article entitled "Necessary nails." In the last question
addressed to the
residential expert, I mention a few ideas for short hair that
might help you
out a bit.
Also check out my "Kym's Accessories to the
Rescue" for some cute
ideas to work with your hair. The most important thing - and
I can't stress
this enough - is to try different hairstyles by playing with
your hair. I
guarantee you will be surprised (and happy) with what you
come up with. Have
fun experimenting!
Thanks for writing, keep the questions coming!
Question 3:
Is there any makeup to put on so it makes it looks like I
don't have any
Kym's Response:
Dear freckles:
First off, freckles are a part of you and nothing should
cover that. If
you still feel like freckles are giving you grief, try any
basic concealor
make-up, like CoverGirl or Maybeline. None of these will
completely cover
your freckles, they will just make them seem lighter. Do all
of us a favor -
appreciate your uniqueness and show off what ya got!
Thanks for writing. Please send me any other questions
you may have.
Keep checking the site for updates!