| Madelin
World Fashion Expert (Australia)
Madelin's here to bring a fashion wake-up call from Down Under. Say g'day, then check out some bonzer fashion from the southern hemisphere. |
The Fashion Treadmill
Return of the 60's..............
Searching the flea markets on a lazy Sunday morning, hunting through your Mums outfits from "when she was a girl" (s'pose depends on her taste in clothes, or lack of, doesn't it?), and piecing together your own special outfits will have to become your new hobbie, my special fashion friends. Yes, the out is "the in" once more, and the past has returned to claim it's place on the impenetrable, re-cycled, wheel of trends.
Back in is the thrown together look of the 60's. Fashionable?-- mmm, not always, Catchy?-- Not usually, Stunningly Beautiful?-- YES, if you follow my tips!!!!
1. Layers are in for winter. Flares under cute patterned wrap-skirts give an oh-so-cute,yet stylish look.
2. Materials can be as bright or as dull as you like. Velvet, nylon, chenille--try some new fabrics!
3. For the 'summer countries' keep an eye out for ankle length saris, instead of the traditional Indian hemp. Some have exotic gold/silver embroidery--these look rally cute either full or 3/4 length.
4. Do your hair differently. Up in little curly buns with bobby-pins, clipped back (the more clips the more effective) or platits and a loose bun. If you have long, thin, straight hair,then try to blow-dry down to give a wispy volume.
5. Natural make-up with maybe some glitter, or bindis and body jewellery if you dare.
And the most important......
THE BRIGHTA, THE BETTER!!!!!! I'm no geographer (I really suck at geography actually) but it seems most of the stuff that I've noticed lately is influenced by Indian clothing, very hippie but with that stylish modern look that we need.
As you may know, I'm a complete endorser of op-shopping(to find out more about op-shopping--check out my earlier column "Wild Fashion Australian Style"), which is a great place to get one-of-a-kind re-cycled clothing, as long as the fact that it's been worn by someone else doesn't bother you. Look for cotten shoulder bags and leather thongs to complement the outfit, as well as beads and dangly earrings!!
Also check out this question a viewer submitted for Madelin:
Dear Madelin,
I am going to Australia on January 1 and I will be there until
March 18. I
need to know what kind of clothes to take and what is in style
over there.
I would appreciate any advice you could give me. Thanks!
Kristy Norvell
Madelin's Response:
Dear Kristy,
Right now it's Summer over here, (or nearly
so) and it's
really hot!!!!
Lots of shorts ( 3/4 length cargos are in right now) are a
must, and the
popular colours for this season are creams, whites and bieges.
singlet tops (in bright colours) are really comfy, but if your
not used to
the sun don't wear them (sunburn isn't a fashion statement and
it hurts!)
It will be end of summer when you come over, starting
Autumn- a pretty
unpredictable season over here. It will still be fairly hot,
but don't
forget long pants, a rain-proof jacket and some thick jumpers.
It really
depends on where your going. If your headed up to ayers rock,
or anywhere in
the Northen Territory, they have HOT days and freezing nights,
so remember
your warm Pajamas!
As for shoes, other than if your doing anything formal just
bring a good
pair of runners or boots.
Have fun, enjoy Oz, and write back if you need anything more!