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Futureshock: Local Talent Isn't Hard to Find (Introducing San Diego Musik)
San Diego is a city that hip-hop can not seem to wholly thrive in, yet in
its underbelly there dwells a plethora of talented emcees and djs.
Future Shock is an emerging hip hop group that has remained somewhat unknown yet is not trying
to gain notoriety, but continue to create innovative beats and rhymes for music’s
sake. It was refreshing to meet a group of honest young emcees and producers that want to
get their message out about music and life and avoid all the hype of local popularity.
The group is composed of four performers, all in their mid-20s: Trey-Qel, the DJ, Red
Bonz, emcee, Sojourn, emcee, and Ajax, Emcee. They found each other after their
respective groups broke up, and it is a good thing they collaborated because their talents
complement each other well. All four individuals are intelligent artists that are very
conscious about the aesthetics of their beats and lyrics. They're not in it to build a name,
"we're in it to hopefully influence others for the art," expressed emcee, Red Bonz.
They jokingly explain that they have performed about a
thousand shows to a total of twelve people. This kind of self-deprecating
humor shows that the group is unaffected by their current low profile status. Instead of
being jaded about their show turnouts, they continue to learn and progress. San Diego
has not given the warmest of welcomes to any traditional hip-hop group that tries to break
out onto its scene, however, it is best said by Red Bonz, "Cats that continue to do
[hip-hop] are cats that are real."
However, their words on artists in current popular hip-hop are not too
enthusiastic. They have noticed that a lot of the music out today has lost
its "art"; the true artists are not the ones winning the Grammy's or top-selling their albums.
The group has a lot to say about what is real and different from the radio-friendly noise
that is polluting the air waves. With their own music, they are not afraid of experimentalism
or transgressing from the"norm." Their experimentalism is reflected in their
use of vocabulary to analyze the truth, synchronizing their voices, and sampling
from "anything from Fleetwood Mac to Alanis Morrisette."
In contrast to a lot of groups today, they feel
it is important to reflect their intelligence by dismissing cuss words. They
attempt to "avoid being grouped in with anyone else."
"Basically, the mainstream sucks," explains emcee, Sojourn.
The group members avoid the over-produced rap and instead praise "conscious" hip-hop groups
like De La Soul, Quannum Projects and Blackalicious. Their influences come from a
variety of unexpected sources, which explains their unique sound and innovative use of
word play.
One would be surprised to hear the albums that are currently in their
rotation and of the sources of their inspiration. Red Bonz is currently enthralled with Fred
Hammond, Trey Qel has been listening to Dido along with a lot of 1970s jazz and New Age
music, Sojourn has been captivated by Jill Scott and Ajax has been listening to
Duncan Sheik and Sting. Their contrasting musical tastes express the variety within the group,
and they continue to maintain harmony without much artistic conflict.
When asked how they label themselves, they replied "hip-hop", but upon
further questioning they unabashedly proclaimed their faith. Futureshock can be
described as "Christian hip-hop", however, they feel that it is an unnecessary
distinction; that their music is true art, "their calling", and should be known as such. They forgo
using cuss words to heighten the spiritual and intellectual levels of their message.
Instead, they are challenged to replace expletives by widening their word bank, which a lot of
musicians could learn from today.
Futureshock performs around San Diego all the time. Their next show is
going to be March 11 at Galoka near downtown La Jolla at 9:00 pm. They also have
albums that they are releasing and that will be available thru email request
Keep a lookout for "Remember the Future", "Focused", the ep, "Foolish
Things", and, in late June, "Forgotten Prophets."
You can also check out Futureshock on the
web: mp3.com/futureshock or mp3.com/foolishthings.
If you are looking for good local talent and real hip-hop, Futureshock is the right place to look and is very
accessible to their fans. There is something wonderfully reassuring about Futureshock and hip-hop; for
the artists that remain true to themselves, their beliefs and their art.
If you have any comments on this, feel free to email me at chako@dailyfashion.com